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npx remotion preview

Start the server which allows you to preview the Remotion video. The only argument to pass is the entry file:

npx remotion preview <entry-file>
npx remotion preview <entry-file>

If entry-file is not passed, Remotion will try to detect the entry file with the following priority order:

  1. Get the path from the Config (Can be set using Config.setEntryPoint("<entry-point>")).
  2. Look for some common paths i.e. src/index.ts, src/index.tsx, src/index.js, remotion/index.js.
  3. Fail as entry point could not be determined.



React Props to pass to the selected composition of your video. Must be a serialized JSON string (--props='{"hello": "world"}') or a path to a JSON file (./path/to/props.json). Can also be read using getInputProps().


Inline JSON string isn't supported on Windows because it removes the " character, use a temporary file instead.

--config v1.2.0

Specify a location for the Remotion config file.

--env-file v2.2.0

Specify a location for a dotenv file - Default .env. Read about how environment variables work in Remotion.


Set the log level. Increase or decrease the amount of output. Acceptable values: error, warn, info (default), verbose


Set a custom HTTP server port. If not defined, Remotion will try to find a free port.

--public-dir v3.2.13

Define the location of the public/ directory.. If not defined, Remotion will assume the location is the public folder in your Remotion root.

--disable-keyboard-shortcuts v3.2.11

Disables all keyboard shortcuts in the Preview.

--webpack-poll v3.3.11

Enables Webpack polling instead of the file system event listeners for hot reloading. This is useful if you are inside a virtual machine or have a remote file system. Pass a value in milliseconds, for example --webpack-poll=1000.

--no-open v3.3.19

Prevents Remotion from trying to open a browser. This is useful if you use a different browser for Remotion than the operating system default.

--browser v3.3.79

Specify the browser which should be used for opening tab - using the default browser by default.
Pass an absolute string or "chrome" to use Chrome. If Chrome is selected as the browser and you are on macOS, Remotion will try to reuse an existing tab

For backwards compatibility, the BROWSER environment variable is also supported.

--browser-args v3.3.79

A set of command line flags that should be passed to the browser. Pass them like this:

remotion preview --browser-args="--disable-web-security"
remotion preview --browser-args="--disable-web-security"

Notice that Chrome will try to reuse the process, so you want to quit it first before you start it with the flags.